
Pigmentation is a skin disorder which arises due to too little or too high deposition of melanocytes. Skin is the first sense to consider someone beautiful. That is why most of us want a clear and fair complexion. Any blemish or pigmentation on the face may spoil your first impression. They not only make you look aged but also diminish your confidence.

The problem may occur on the skin, the retina of the eye, mucous membranes, or hair.

  • No of Sessions Required
  • Side Effects
  • Medicines Required

Treatment & Procedure

There are various types of treatments that can be adopted for use. Dr. Puneet Goyal at Renova Skin Clinic clinic helps in provide the finest treatment. Some of them are as follows:

  • Chemical peels and creams: These are gentle option to treat complexion problems.
  • Mesotherapy: This treatment helps in reducing the problem of skin decoloration.
  • Insta-glow peel facial: Facial is the best way to nurture your skin and bring its glow back. As the name clarifies, it brings an instant glow to the face.
  • Laser Toning: The non-invasive intense pulsed light or IPL treats patients fast. Patients tend to get a blemish-free cleaner appearance in 2-3 sittings.
  • Fraxel restore technique: It is an effective approach to remove deep pigmentation. The medical procedure not only lightens the pigmentation the technique leads to healthier and glowing skin.

Combination of technologies yields better results.

Signs of Pigmentation

You will get to know about pigmentation on your skin as soon as you discover a change in its color. Pigmentation is best represented by a dark patch or spot.

Pigmentation and the various conditions

Have you ever recognized a dark patch or spot suddenly showed up on your skin? This is pigmentation. It is generally a complexion based problem resulting in an uneven skin tone.

High concentration of melanin-containing cells on a spot causes Hyperpigmentation.

Vitiligo is a condition of loss of pigment in the skin, resulting in white patches.

Albinism affects the color of skin and eye.

Reasons for pigmentation

Pigmentation might be there because of various reasons. You can protect yourself from the same by adopting a few methods.

  • Age spots or melasma and freckles are caused by long-time exposure to the sun. Sun rays lead to tanning of skin along with affecting the skin cells.
  • Addison's disease
  • Hormonal disturbance during pregnancy
  • Skin allergy
  • Pigmentation disorder may be because of the side effect of a chronic disease
Need to consult a dermatologist Dr Puneet Goyal, MD

Do you have an excess of pigmentation and want to get rid of it? Then in such situations, consulting a dermatologist is a lot better option than buying a random product from the market. Dermatologists advise Siscopy to examine the root of the problems. This aids in effective solutions to the problem.

The dermatologist consultation helps with some physical, emotional, and social reasons. They are:

  • Improved appearance: A proper treatment will help in getting that.
  • Enhanced self-esteem: You feel more confident when you look good. Your self-esteem enhances gradually.
  • Promotion of better skin health: Effective treatments result in making the skin healthy.

There is no sense in waiting for the right time to visit a doctor if you are having some serious skin problems. Visit Renova Skin Clinic today and get relief from your skin concerns.

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